Second day of going from the office to the new apartment in Garches. Yesterday, I took the tram and then the train. Once you make the transfer (which is not so easy for lack of signage and the poor use of arrows), the train is straight forward. Plus, the walk from the train station via the center of town takes you past some beautiful houses.
Today I decided to take the 126 bus and then transfer to the 467. The 126 is through an urban area where the bus stops are well marked, and they announce each stop on the bus. The 467 is through the banlieu (suburbs). The stops are easily a half mile from each other, and the bus driver goes incredible fast. I could barely keep up following where we were. Of course I missed my stop by 4 stops. By the time I figured out I had gone too far, I was already in the next town. No cabs if you get lost, so my only option was to head back and pay better attention. Most times, to go back from which you came you just cross the street to find the corresponding bus stop. Well, not at this particular area. I had to cross the street, turn a corner and head up the hill a bit. I'm glad it was not at night. One benefit was that I did get to a good grocery store on the route, but I was so turned around that I can't tell how far it was from the new apartment. Lesson learned for the day: train to Garches a much better experience than the bus.