
Resolutions.  I like to make them. I don't necessarily keep them, but I think making a point to do some introspection and self-reflection at least once a year is a good exercise.  Plus, I love lists. Lists give me focus, and checking items off that list gives me a sense of accomplishment. Seems befitting to make a list of resolutions the first day of 2013.

2013 Resolution.  I resolve to....

1) Appreciate and enjoy what I have while I have them.  It is good to set goals, but once I've accomplished them, I forget to enjoy the moment.  We live in a great little town. The people we've met have been generally friendly and helpful.  We are surrounded by chateaus and green parks, and Paris is a 30 minute train ride away.  Pastry shops are on almost every street.  Life is pretty darn good at the moment.

2) Sport some rose colored glasses.  This is somewhat related to the first resolution.  As the new becomes ordinary, the banal and irritating start to overshadow the interesting and intriguing.  Soon the novelty of speaking French is transformed into frustrations with communication. The fascination of the French markets falls short once you realize that you can't find familiar and beloved products -- like breakfast bacon. You are perplexed, almost daily, wondering why with a line ten shoppers deep you have to bag your own groceries or why the smallest euro bill is a five which means that your pockets are weighted down by the one and two euro pieces, or why buses randomly decided to end their route a half mile from their predesignated terminus. The list could go on, but if I add any more, I would be moving away from the spirit of the first resolution.  Starting Jan 1, 2013, I will try not question the French system, and even smile and greet every neighbor. Even those who leave dog poop all over the town...

3) Stop worrying about what might happen.  I know I spend so much time trying to be prepared, that I hardly have time to do things I should or would rather be doing.  As photographer Nevada Wier put it, worrying about what might happen that isn't happening is unproductive. "What I would rather do is open myself up to the grace of what might be presented to me."  And this leads me to my final resolution for the year.

4) Fill my time with productive things.  This translates to no more facebook.  It is a useful way to keep in touch with those far away, and I've even found a few useful articles that friends post.  However, in general, it really is a time suck. I'd rather spend time learning something from the khan academy, write more blog entries, take more photos of France, read the books I've downloaded, or even facetime with family and friends.

Happy New Year to all.  I look forward to discovering what this year has to offer.